Student Success Statement

"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."
Henry David Thoreau 

What this statement means is that when you do something right and your a good person you will only feel good about yourself. For example, we saw a video in class about teenagers doing tragic things. They went to court and what they heard was not what they expected. They got sentenced either life in prison or death sentence. The reaction they gave were of regret, they regret doing what they had done. On the other hand the people that did good things felt great about themselves. They either help shovel ice off someones drive way or pay a dozen parking spots in a hospital, they felt great. They felt great because they knew that by doing good wasn't harming anyone it was helping people that needed to know people cared about them. You'll NEVER REGRET doing the RIGHT thing. They only investment the will never fail is goodness.


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