Student Success Statement 

" Even if everyone is doing it, WRONG IS NEVER RIGHT."

Russell M. Nelson

What this statement means is that if everyone is doing something that is wrong it does not make it right. For example, I was walking in to my sixth block one day. The teacher was not happy when she saw us walking in. Once everyone was in the class, she told us that when she was checking our notebooks she found multiple notebooks with the same exact answers and with the same exact questions wrong. She gave a big talk about how she is smarter than us and that one we will be smarter than her but right now shes is smarter than us. She said that about more than half of the class was doing good in her class but the rest were the one she found out copied off the internet. The people who's notebooks she found copied off the internet she sent to the offices and they students got pulled out of there class that morning. Just because you see that everyone is doing something that you know is wrong don't do it, it wont make it right.


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