Student Success Statement

"The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem."
- Dr. Laura Schlessinger

What this statement means is that the only reward you will get for doing what's right would be your internal phenomenon. For example, when people do something they know is right they can only feel good about them self. Doing the right thing will bring your self esteem up a lot. Don't you feel like you should help people but your to afraid to go help them out? Same here whenever i see people struggling with something i was like to go and help them. The only thing that holds me back is my shyness.  One day i had the courage to help this person that needed help with their grocery. I told myself that i could this and i did. Afterwards i felt great and very happy i helped someone else besides my family. Don't be afraid to help people out because when you do only good things will come to you.


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