
Showing posts from November, 2017
Student Success Statement "Always do right." -Mark Twain What this statement means is that we should always do the right no matter what. For example, three members of the UCLA basketball team were in china for a game and they got caught shop lifting. The china police arrested them. President Trump had to go talk to the President in china to apologize for what they did. They thanked Trump and the police men for threated them with respect. If Trump didn't talk to the President they would've spent ten years in prison. The three members thank President Trump and the police men for treating them with respect. They missed seven games just for not doing what's right. If they had done the right thing they would've played in the seven games they didn't participate.
Mental Health Counselor Duties and Responsibilities: They work with individuals and groups to promote optimum mental health. They help people that are having problems such as addicting, suicide, stress management, etc. Salary: $20,051- $83,200 Education: To become a mental health counselor you are required to have a master’s degree in counseling, psychology and other related mental health fields. Demand or Need for this Profession: Master’s degree Reflection: I would like to be a mental health counselor because I would like to help people out.
Student Success Statement "Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it's better to be alone than in bad company." Booker T. Washington What this statement means is that if your alone your able to do your work and finish what ever you need to get done. But if your with your group of friends that just like to party then you are obviously not going to get your work do. For example, when I was in 8th grade I would hang out with my group of friends and they liked to party. We would always go out during the weekends and we will never do our work. We were basically failing all our classes. But then I decided to not go out every weekend and start doing my work. I would always be alone in my room and I will get my work better then when I used to go out during the weekends. I brought my grades up and my friends just looked at me in shock. Its better to be alone than in bad company.
My Thanksgiving Week My thanksgiving week was great. I went to my dads house to spend the day. We didn't do anything big we just went out to buy food. My brother ended up getting wing stop and my dad and I got panda express. After we got our food we went home to eat and watched a movie. The movie my brother picked out was Wall-E. It is a really nice movie by the way. We made popcorn and got chips and ice cream. We were have way in the movie when I turn around and my brother is asleep. My dad and I stayed up until the end of the movie. Once the movie finished my dad put my brother to bed while I put the movie away. This thanksgiving was great for me because I spent time with my dad.
Student Success Statement "Develop the attitude of gratitude." What this means is to say thank you to people and appreciate the people around you. For example, this past week my brother and I were walking home from school. My brother had ten dollars with him to buy some snacks from the store. We were getting close to the store and my brother starts looking for his money. He couldn't find them anywhere. We checked his backpack and pockets, they weren't there. We were leaving the store all sad because he wanted something to drink and something to eat. While we were leaving the store this woman walked in and saw us, she asked why he was sad. I had told what happened. She told me that she found ten dollars outside in the sidewalk when she was coming over here. She gave them to my brother and he thanked her and I thanked her for not keeping the ten dollars and asking why he was sad because if she didn't ask she would've left with his ten dollars. 
Student Success Statement The 3 Questions: Can people trust me to do what's right? Am I committed to doing my very best? Do I treat people the way I want to be treated? "If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail." - Lou Holtz What this statement means is that you should always do what's right, try your best ,and treat people the way you want to be treated. For example, if someone told you to smoke you have to do what's right and said no or walk away. You need to try your best on your goals of the day and every single day. If you want people to treat you the way you would like to treated then you have to treat them the same. These three questions are questions that can bring you to being successful.
Student Success Statement   "Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is strong" President John F. Kennedy What this statement means is that we need to be involved in physical activity. For example, students at schools need to participate in their physical education. 
Student Success Statement "Kindness is the essence of greatness" Joseph B. Wirthlin What this statement means is that kindness is the key to greatness. For example, if you see that someone wants to buy some things and they believe to have money but they actually don't have enough money so they can't buy what they want. You can be kind and buy them they're things it isn't that hard. You can be kind and feel great about it. I have experienced an act of kindness. It was normal day my mom had picked me up from school one afternoon. My mom asked me if i wanted a subway and i said yeah sure. We went she gave me a twenty dollar bill to buy my brother and myself one. I asked her if i should get the combo or only the sandwiches. She told me to get the combo because we weren't going home and she didn't want to stop by a store to get us drinks. She left to go pick up by brother from school. So I went in ordered the food and when i got to the register...
On Sunday November 5,2017 was a pretty fun day. I went out with my godmother and all my cousins and brother. We went to go eat at a place in torrence then we went to matthaten beach.
My name is Kimberly. I am 14 years old. I have two siblings. I have a brother that I call Rudy he is 11 years old and he is in 7th grade. I have a little sister named Genesis she is 3 years old. She can be really annoying sometimes but I still love her.