Student Success Statement
"Kindness is the essence of greatness"
Joseph B. Wirthlin
What this statement means is that kindness is the key to greatness. For example, if you see that someone wants to buy some things and they believe to have money but they actually don't have enough money so they can't buy what they want. You can be kind and buy them they're things it isn't that hard. You can be kind and feel great about it. I have experienced an act of kindness. It was normal day my mom had picked me up from school one afternoon. My mom asked me if i wanted a subway and i said yeah sure. We went she gave me a twenty dollar bill to buy my brother and myself one. I asked her if i should get the combo or only the sandwiches. She told me to get the combo because we weren't going home and she didn't want to stop by a store to get us drinks. She left to go pick up by brother from school. So I went in ordered the food and when i got to the register the lady behind the counter told me it was twenty-three dollars with ten cents. I didn't have the the three dollars and ten cents, I was worried because my mom wasn't here so she couldn't give me the three dollars and ten cents. Then the lady told me to give her the twenty dollars and she'll put in the rest. I was thankful for her to give me the three dollars and ten cents. This was an act of kindness that lead the lady to feel great.
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