Student Success Statement
"Develop the attitude of gratitude."
What this means is to say thank you to people and appreciate the people around you. For example, this past week my brother and I were walking home from school. My brother had ten dollars with him to buy some snacks from the store. We were getting close to the store and my brother starts looking for his money. He couldn't find them anywhere. We checked his backpack and pockets, they weren't there. We were leaving the store all sad because he wanted something to drink and something to eat. While we were leaving the store this woman walked in and saw us, she asked why he was sad. I had told what happened. She told me that she found ten dollars outside in the sidewalk when she was coming over here. She gave them to my brother and he thanked her and I thanked her for not keeping the ten dollars and asking why he was sad because if she didn't ask she would've left with his ten dollars.
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