Student Success Statement
"Nothing is ever gained in doing what's wrong"
- Wilford Woodruff
What this statement is referring to is that if you do something wrong you will not accomplish anything. For example, during class the teacher showed us a video of a teenage girl in court. She was sent to court for using drugs. She was called out by the judge to ask her some questions. During that time she was a bit funny like if she took something before she went out to be asked questions. The judge asked her if she took drug before she came out and she denied it. After the questioning she was asked to leave the court room. On doing so she responded with adios to the judge and the judge called her back. She was ask to give 10,000 dollars. She was in shock when she heard that and mad. She left flipping the judge off. She was asked to come back and was sentenced three days in jail. For using drugs, disrespecting the judge she was fined ten thousand dollars and sentenced three days in jail. What did she gain from this? Nothing, she gained nothing but a lot of money to pay and three days in jail. Be a ctr person and continue to go through the ctr path always.
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