Student Success Statement
A Choice: Poverty or Prosperity
"I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I want to work, and I decide that I would change it."
Dr. Ben Carson
What this statement means is that the only way to changing something you want to change is by working hard for it. For example, my brother wanted a new phone. He wanted the Samsung galaxy 7 edge. My parents told him that if he wanted that phone he had to work for it. At that time his grades weren't really that good. He had U's ,F's and D's I believe. He only had the half of the first semester to pick up his grades. Every time he got home he would got to the kitchen table open his backpack start on his homework. He will never do that. The final report card for that semester came in and I was surprised he had busted his grades up to B's and he did have a couple of C's but he busted his grades up a lot if you ask me. Christmas came along and what did he get... his phone of course. He had earned his phone because he worked for what he wanted.
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