Sickle cell disease
- Sickle cell disease is a disease that is in your blood. People that have this disease have crescent blood cells. The blood cells in their body are in a moon like shape. The red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, but people that have this disease dont receive as much oxygen. Since the healthy red blood cells are circular and flexible they can easily go through the blood vessel without getting stuck. Now, the sickle red blood cell have an abnormal shape making them get clogged in the blood vessel not allowing oxygen through properly. People that have this dont get to participate in many activities due to them always attending doctor appointments or them being in the hospital. Sickle cell disease is not a disease that gets passed on , its an inherited disease so its been passed on from genes.
- Sickle cell affects approximately 8 percent of African Americans. About 70,000 to 100,000 of Americans have sickle cell disease. Hispanics from central and south America are affected by the sickle cell disease. As well as middle Eastern, Asian, Indian, and Mediterranean.
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