Student Success Statement "I won't cheat" Dale Murphy What this statement means is that cheating will lead to consequences. For example, my brother was telling me the other day that his class was taking a test this week. I helped him study for his test so he could get an average score on it. The next day he went to class prepared for the test. The teacher passed out the tests and the kid sitting next to my brother was nervous. Apparently, the kid next to my brother didn't study for the test and he was freaking out because of it. The whole class had received a test so the class had to be quiet. My brother told me that through the corner of his eye he saw the kid copying off his paper and other kids around the table. My brother covered his answers with his had. Time was up and the tests were collected. The next day the teacher passed out the tests again. My brother got a perfect score and so did the kid next to him. A couple days went by when the teach...