Class Evaluation The thing that i like about this class is the easy work he gives us. Another thing I like are the student success statements because they teach us on how to behave. They teach us how to be above the line not below it. The videos he shows us are sometimes emotional and you can actually relate to some of them form your own experience or maybe you know someone that went through that. Somethings I don't like about this is that when I walk in the room feels hot. Another thing is that we cant look at our phones when we get a text. That text can be important or an emergency. I also don't like how we have to be on typing tutor every time we finish an assignment. Some recommendations are to cool up the room a little bit. Another recommendation will be to let us use the computer when we finish an assignment. We should at least get one day of the week when we have this class to be able to go online and play games or something.We should also be able to use ou...
Showing posts from December, 2017
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New Years eve New Years eve is on December 31. It's on the last day of the Gregorian calendar and continues on to January 1 which is new years day. New Years Eve is a day where you go over to celebrate with family and have fun. You eat special foods and you make new goals for the incoming year. It will be the new year until 12 am of December 31. In many Spanish speaking countries they gather a dozen grapes that symbolize the hopes and believes they have for the up coming months after December.
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Body - Mind - Spirit Student Success Statement " Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being." - Mr. C. Haymore What this statement means is that you have to be responsible for your own self. For example, If your are sitting down not doing anything thinking about your problems. You are only sitting down waiting for someone to come help you, you need to take your own choices not someone for you. You have to get up and do what you have to do. Don't wait on someone to tell you what to do. You have your on mind that can take actions. You have a body that can help you in doing those actions and you have a spirit to motivate you to keep on going and not give up.
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The Harmful Effects of Smoking Smoking harms you a lot. Some harms that smoking can cause are bad breathe, stain teeth, you can also get gum disease and you can lose your sense of taste. The biggest harm that smoking can cause is cancer in the lips, throat, tongue, voice box, and gullet. Smoking also gives you a higher risk of a stroke. There is a 23 percent of high school teens that use tobacco products. There is a 90 percent of those teens that smoke cigarettes, cigars. pipes, or hookahs.
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Student Success Statement "Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education" Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What this statement that besides intelligence your way of being is also important. For example, My friend is very smart, but she also has a great personality. She is good at math and every subject she's taking. She get A's or 100% in all the tests she takes .When it comes to helping out or things like that, she does not ignore those who need help. She goes around and ask if they need help. She is a very happy person in school and out of school at home and everywhere she goes. Yeah she may have some bad day but she taught us to always be friendly and happy so we will all make you happy.
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Student Success Statement "We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do." What this statement means is that we should continue doing what we know is right and stop what we know is wrong. For example, when my brother and I were walking from his school, there was a kid that goes to my school that took out his phone from his back pocket and money fell. I didn't notice the money in the ground. My brother saw what had happened and picked up the money. I wanted to see what he was going to do. I just stood there and saw him. He looked up at me and at the kid walking. I thought he was going to keep the money because that what he usually does. he really surprised me. He ran to the kid and tapped him on the shoulder. The kid turned around in confusion. My brother handed him the money and said if that was his. The kid checked his pockets and said yeah that the money was his. My brother gave him the mon...
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Student Success Statement "When you tell one lie, it leads to another" Paul Hatch What this statement means is that if you lie once you lie twice. For example, my brother and I were outside waiting for my mom to come pick us up. I was in my phone and he was kicking his soccer ball. I sat down in the front pair of stairs from where I live. He was mad because my mom was taking for ever and he was mad at me like what I do to you. he was I was ignoring him and then he hits my with the ball on purpose. My phone fell and cracked. When my mom came I told her what had happened and he said that he didn't do anything that he wasn't even playing with the ball and that it was my fault my phone crack because I don't hold it right. Well my mom believed him and from there on he would say lies about not doing things to my mom and dad. That one lie lead him many other lies.
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Air Force Duties and Responsibilities: An air force is responsible for stopping cyber attacks. They do everything from air. They launch satellites and spray rivers and valleys with mosquitoes. Salary: $2k- $54k Education: community college of the air force degree program. Demand or Need for this Profession: take air force classes in college. Reflection: I would not like to be in the air force because I'm scared of heights.